Bad piggies sandbox 1
Bad piggies sandbox 1

bad piggies sandbox 1

The birds' egg in the fourth episode of the game.

bad piggies sandbox 1

  • Challenge Run: Certain screens require you to complete them without using a specific part in order to get one of the stars.
  • Catapult to Glory: Some screens can be won simply by sitting your pig on a box of explosives and hitting the detonate button.
  • Nonetheless, he's also the one who made the remix song of "Shuffle & Spawn" which used in this Halloween episode.
  • The Cameo: Major Lazer in a pig form makes an appearance in the second cutscene of "Tusk Till' Dawn" where he stole freckled pig's trick-or-treat pumpkin along with some zombie pigs on his side.
  • By the Lights of Their Eyes: Pairs of glowing eyes in the dark levels indicate a spot that will drop you something (usually a star box or a random obstacle such as TNT box) if you illuminate them.
  • While you can use money to get more of them, you can also get them by collecting cakes while playing the game and feeding them to the King Pig. Power-ups are now available (specifically, glue that holds the vehicle together, a magnet that attracts Star Boxes and desserts, and a turbo-engine that makes your engine even faster), as well as a "Super Mechanic" that builds a vehicle that allows you to earn a level's three stars more easily.
  • Bribing Your Way to Victory: If you're completely stuck, you can buy a mechanic pig who will come and build the ideal vehicle to win a screen.
  • (In the plot, Mechanic Pig accidentally drops his cap down a hole and your pig has to retrieve it.)

    bad piggies sandbox 1

  • Bonus Dungeon: The cave screens that are unlocked by gaining a specific number of stars in a block of normal screens, which are a bit more difficult.
  • Blackout Basement: Some levels in "The Road to El Porkado" have dark areas that can only be illuminated by a light attached to your vehicle (if one is available) or by buying a Night-Vision Goggles power-up.
  • Balloonacy: Balloons show up in the second episode note which become third episode after "Rise & Swine" episode take over the place as way to lift pigs and contraptions.
  • Backstory Horror: When you notice that some of the skulls have Wehrmacht helmets or red moustaches, like some pigs in Angry Birds.
  • bad piggies sandbox 1

    Subverted with some skins, however, where they get special abilities such as the TNT Fireworks which explode after being depleted.


  • And Your Reward Is Clothes: The June 2016 update introduced a custom-skin system with dress-up costumes for both Freckled Pig and King Pig along with decorative versions of device parts.
  • Additionally, when they finally manage to steal one egg and get away with it, said egg is just a white-painted rock, which is also a prank by the Blues.
  • All for Nothing: The pigs' double effort to retrieved the map of the eggs' location is rendered completely pointless when they find out that the telescope they're using is painted with fake eggs by the Blues, much to King Pig's anger.

  • Allegedly Free Game: The first update introduced Field of Dreams, a new sandbox screen that you have to pay to access.
  • In later levels, you even get to build the alleged plane.
  • The Alleged Car: What you have to build on most screens.
  • All Just a Dream: The "Tusk Till' Dawn" Halloween level ends with the pig waking up from the nightmare he's been through.
  • Adventurer Archaeologist: Your pig takes on this role in "The Road to El Porkado" episode, complete with an Indiana Jones hat.

  • Bad piggies sandbox 1